Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a great Easter this year. We had a Easter Egg Hunt with the kiddos Saturday, then decorated eggs at home. Jaiya and Ben made a bird house and hung it in the tree in our front yard. She had been asking Ben to make one and they went into the garage and they had it done in like 10 minutes! Mom came up Saturday night and we had Cox Brothers, and made sugar cookies for Easter. Then Sunday morning came and we decorated the cookies, and I helped hide eggs at church for the kiddos and it was fun to be a part of that. Every year when I was little, the egg hunt at our grandparents house was SOOOOOO much fun. I love being able to watch our kids hunt eggs. We also got to talk with Jaiya about the Easter story and it was fun to see her understand and begin to see that its not all about a bunny hiding eggs but a man dying on the cross for our sins and rising from the grave.

After church we went to a friends house and Ben made his AMAZING mashed potatoes. YUM! They are my favorite but I cannot watch Ben make them because he makes so much cream cheese and butter. Then we went to a neighbors house for dessert to enjoy the cookies! The kids took a nice nap, mom went home and we relaxed for a while then did some yard work and finished the day with cheap mexican food!

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